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Radiesse Injections Fill In Those Unwanted Wrinkles

Published on December 23, 2016

As we age, our skin loses elasticity and our collagen production reduces, resulting in wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, and sunken areas (including scars). One of the easiest and most convenient ways to get rid of unwanted wrinkles, especially on the face around the nose and mouth, is by using dermal fillers like Radiesse.

Radiesse is a wrinkle filler that gives volume to sunken areas and smoothens the skin, getting rid of moderate to severe wrinkles. After the target area is injected, its effects are prolonged due to the stimulation of the production of collagen in our bodies.

Radiesse is very effective for treating marionette lines, smile lines, the corners of the mouth, chin wrinkles and folds, and it rejuvenates the appearance of the face and even the hands.

What is Radiesse?

Radiesse is an FDA-approved biocompatible, non-allergenic and non-toxic dermal filler. It consists of calcium hydroxyl apatite (CaHA) microspeheres suspended in carboxymethyl cellulose gel, and together they produce immediate results by providing instant volume as well as longer lasting results by stimulating the natural production of collagen.

The CaHA particles are made up of calcium and phosphate that naturally occur in our bodies, and the gel is made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sterile water, and glycerin. The gel is absorbed and the CaHA microspheres are metabolized by the body. Effects and benefits of Radiesse last for around one to two years.

Radiesse can also be used for augmentation purposes, as an alternative to implants. Since the results you receive aren’t permanent, you will need to schedule an appointment for repeated treatments to maintain the benefits over a longer period of time.

The Radiesse procedure will be done in your doctor’s office and can take up to 15 minutes. After applying antiseptic, the filler is injected into one or more points in the treatment area under the dermis and subcutis layers of the skin. While instant volume is apparent, full results will be evident within a week after the injections.

There will be some swelling and discomfort, and maybe some bruising, all of which are normal. Swelling will subside within a day or two and pain can be managed with medication prescribed by your doctor. There is no downtime and regular activities can be resumed immediately after the injections are administered.

Excessive movement of facial muscles such as laughing, prolonged chewing, and drinking through straws should be avoided for at least 2 days. It is also advisable to stay away from intense heat and light immediately after the procedure, so stay out of the sun.

Things to Know Before Getting Radiesse Treatments

Since Radiesse is made of substances found naturally in our bodies, there is no need for allergy testing. Consult your doctor about all the necessary pre-procedure instructions, making sure to disclose information about smoking, medication, and any health supplements you may be taking.

It is important that your doctor is aware of all these details since the outcome of the treatment may depend on some of those factors.

Contact Our Office

Contact us today if you want to eliminate wrinkles that are causing you to look older than you feel. Dr. Richard Bartlett, a board-certified plastic surgeon, will talk to you about your needs and develop a strategic plan to get you the results you desire in a safe and comfortable environment.