Drooping Nasal Tip
When the tip of the nose takes on a drooping appearance, it can make many people feel uncomfortable about their looks. It can also cause a blockage in the air passage and result in breathing issues.
A drooping nasal tip can be caused by many factors. The most common among them include too much cartilage around the nose, aging, lack of cartilage firmness, and even traumatic accidents. Also, muscle pull at the nasal tip may cause a drooping appearance.
There are many ways to treat the problem without surgery. Some patients use Botox for relaxing the muscles that cause a drooping nose. Some plastic surgeons may also use dermal fillers, to give the skin around the nose region more definition, or to improve the shape of the overall shape and contours of the nose.
These methods may work for a few months, and they are effective for milder cases of drooping nasal tips. However, for those who need more extensive work done to correct a drooping nasal tip or those who are trying to recover from a previously imperfectly done nasal tip correction surgery, a surgical option is available.
Types of Surgical Techniques
There are different techniques for surgically correcting a drooping nose. The first involves removing excess cartilage from the nose region. If, however, a lack of cartilage is the cause of your droopy nose. Your surgeon may take cartilage from other parts of the body, and insert it in the nose to enhance its shape. In some cases, stitching the underlying tissues can correct the problem as well.
Are You a Suitable Candidate?
Before undergoing the treatment, your surgeon will need to assess your body as a whole and determine if you are in good general health. This type of surgery involves strategically placed incisions that may require an anesthetic. You will need to follow a few instructions to help get through the procedure safely.
The instructions given to you may include stopping the use of certain medications and refraining from smoking. If your nose has a hooked appearance and you feel self-conscious about it, or it makes you look older, then you might want to consider correcting your nasal tip.
Your Consultation
During your consultation, Dr. Bartlett will listen to your concerns and goals. He will examine the condition of your nose and look over your medical history, including records of any past procedures.
Dr. Bartlett will discuss your rhinoplasty options, along with the details of the procedure and recovery. He will then develop a customized procedure plan. Dr. Bartlett will answer all of your questions. Instructions will be provided to prepare for the procedure and recovery.
The Procedure
The duration of the rhinoplasty procedure will vary depending on the surgical plan. Anesthesia will be administered to start the procedure. For a rhinoplasty involving a cartilage graft, the cartilage will be harvested from the donor area before treating the nose.
Incisions will be made according to the surgical plan, and then the drooping nasal tip will be raised using the chosen techniques. The incisions will be closed using sutures to complete the procedure.
Recovering from the Treatment
After the surgery is completed, you will need to have someone available to drive you home. You may experience some swelling and discomfort, but your doctor can prescribe medications to help alleviate what you’re feeling. You will need to rest with your head in an elevated position and use ice packs to treat the swelling.
Some people may also experience itching, but it will subside in time. It may take up to 15 days for the swelling to subside. While you can return to light activities within the first few days of surgery, you cannot undertake heavy labor for a few weeks following the procedure. You may also be required to wear surgical tape over the nose.
You will need to protect the skin against sunburns as the incisions heal. Post-surgical marks from the surgery typically fade away after a few weeks, and it may take a few months for the nasal tip to start feeling normal sensations again.
Read More Testimonials
The cost of treating a drooping nasal tip with rhinoplasty will depend on the details of the surgery. Anesthesia and facility fees may affect the total price of the procedure, along with the exact rhinoplasty techniques utilized.
When a drooping nasal tip affects the breathing process, the rhinoplasty used to correct it may be considered functional rhinoplasty. This would mean that its cost could potentially be covered by the patient’s health insurance provider. Contact your provider to find out more.
Contact Our Office
If you’re unsatisfied with the look of your nose and you want to make a few improvements, then plastic surgery may be exactly what you need to achieve the nose you desire. Contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Richard A. Bartlett, an experienced plastic surgeon. He will answer any questions you have about the treatment and guide you through the whole process.
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