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Sagging Skin? Try Laser Genesis!

Richard A. Bartlett, M.D. offers years of training and experience, and has practiced in Massachusetts since 1991. Considered one of New England’s premier plastic surgeons, he is one of a select few surgeons in the Boston area who offers an array of both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery procedures.

beautiful young woman with natural makeup

Laser genesis is a skin therapy technique that is technologically advanced and extremely effective at promoting healthy and vibrant-looking skin in both men and women. With this innovative procedure, the youthful appearance you have always wanted is well within reach.

It can treat conditions that are associated with sun damage and premature aging, such as large pores, excessive redness, fine lines, and uneven texture. The technique has been proven to stimulate the production of collagen, which is a protein that is produced by the cells and helps to hold the skin together.

What Does the Procedure Entail?

During the treatment, your surgeon will use a cosmetic laser to increase the temperature below the surface of the skin. This heat is designed to stimulate the healing response of your body, thereby giving your skin a smoother texture.

As the underlying collagen is refreshed, the pores start to shrink, the fine lines go away, and the skin tone becomes more even. Your surgeon will discuss this with you thoroughly during your initial consultation.

How Many Treatment Sessions Will You Need?

Depending on the condition you want treated and your skin biology, you will need anywhere between 3-5 treatments to get optimal results. A single session takes approximately 30 minutes, although it can last longer based on the surface area of the treatment site.

How Does it Feel?

The procedure is extremely easy on the skin. You will feel a warm sensation as your surgeon moves the handpiece over your skin. In fact, it is also referred to as a warm facial.

What Can You Expect after the Treatment?

Since Laser Genesis is more of a lunchtime procedure, you can resume normal activities almost immediately. You will feel a little flushed due to the heat, but that will dissipate in a few hours. Although the individual treatment results might vary, the result of multiple treatments is quite dramatic.

Is it Suited for People of All Ages?

Anyone above the age of 25 who has sagging skin is a good candidate for Laser Genesis. You can have it done throughout the year with no risk to your skin. The procedure is also effective at treating tanned skin.

How Long Do the Results Last?

The longevity of the results tends to vary from person to person. But you will have sustained results for at least 12 months. Follow the skin care regimen that your surgeon prescribes after the treatment if you want long-lasting results. Factors like sun exposure, your lifestyle, and skin care products can affect the duration of the results. If you want the results to be long-lasting, you can try the following:

  • Use a broad spectrum SPF 30 sunblock when you go outdoors
  • Avoid excessive drinking and smoking
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet
  • Exercise regularly
  • Go for a maintenance or booster treatment once every 12 months

Make sure you go to a board-certified surgeon who has plenty of experience with the procedure to ensure the best results possible.

Contact Our Office

If you’re in need of a plastic surgeon in the Massachusetts area, contact Dr. Richard A. Bartlett, one of Boston’s most trusted doctors. As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Bartlett will surely deliver the service you desire and the results you deserve.