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Restoring Self Esteem of Children with Prominent Ears Through Otoplasty

Published on February 21, 2010

Growing up, children have plenty to be self conscious about. Freckles, being taller than the other kids, having a “strange” name or ears that stick out are all things many kids are teased about. While someday they will understand that freckles are unique, other kids will catch up to their height, and that their less than “average” name may be a blessing, the effects of having prominent ears can leave children forever feeling extremely self conscious even into adulthood.

Children teased in school about their ears often return home in tears. Adult women often recount that they never wear their hair up because of their ears. Fortunately, an ear set back, or otoplasty procedure, can solve these problems and restore confidence to people of all ages.

Richard A. Bartlett, M.D. sees many pediatric patients in Boston for both cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery and is adept at putting children at ease. There is an appropriate time for children to undergo otoplasty usually between 5 and 6 years of age after their ears are fully developed. If you are considering otoplasty for your child, it is best to consult with Dr. Bartlett to determine the appropriate time to schedule the procedure.

Click here to schedule your consultation with Dr. Bartlett