Brand Mark Green Vector

Month: August 2010

Richard A. Bartlett, M.D. offers years of training and experience, and has practiced in Massachusetts since 1991. Considered one of New England’s premier plastic surgeons, he is one of a select few surgeons in the Boston area who offers an array of both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery procedures.

beautiful young woman with red hair and freckles

Plastic Surgery Patient Testimonials Boston

is widely recognized as one of Boston’s leading cosmetic surgeons. Offering an array of cosmetic procedures, Dr. Bartlett can help you improve almost any bodily imperfection. Dr. Bartlett believes that cosmetic surgery not...

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Breast Asymmetry Correction Boston

Breast asymmetry is a rather common condition where one breast is noticeably larger, or smaller than the other breast. Women who suffer from severe asymmetry are often extremely self-conscious of their physical differences. Correction for breast asymmetry is not...

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